immutable thing"
the change
you wish
to see in
the world"
can do so little;
together we can
do so much"
Areas of activity
The areas of activity that are implemented by Developia Foundation at regional, national and European level are as follows:
Education and training actions
as a way of enhancing life with an entrepreneurial and social focus.
Promotion of social action: care and social inclusion
with important attention to different social groups such as people with disabilities, equal opportunities issues, care of elderly people, etc.
Professional development and decent work
In this theme, Developia’s aim is to contribute to the integration in the world of work, to give the opportunity to create new enterprises and to achieve professional fulfillment.
Promotion and development of the social economy
to offer social enterprises the 7 combination of social objectives with an entrepreneurial spirit, in order to generate social impact combined with profit.
Promoting the technological and ethical awareness of algortms
The foundation is working on the ethics of algorithms as a strong point of awareness-raising from a sociological perspective because IT algorithms are increasingly making decisions for man, about man and with man. Awareness-raising should help overcome a concept of technology that is only instrumental and extrinsic.
Child protection and quality education
Education is our main vocation. All our activities are underpinned by educational activities that can fill the gaps in each field.
Promoting technological development for the whole population without discrimination
Our aim is to contribute to the integration in the world of work, to give the
opportunity to create new enterprises and to achieve professional fulfillment.